A downloadable game

This was my third mobile game, in it you control the level by manipulating it. Specifically rotating it around to get the ragdoll character into his bed avoiding any obstacles, and keeping the ragdoll away from the bottom of the screen.

Game Mechanics:

  • Rotation of the whole level from sliding your finger around the center of the screen
  • Fun interesting objects like TNT, Fan, Spike ball, and more
  • A parent based damage system so that the children parts of the ragdoll can tell one parent script they've been hit or overlapped by something
  • Fade out of each level turning into night and having the character sleep with zzzz VFX before moving onto the next level
  • Tutorial system that shows up on first play so you can get an idea of how to rotate the level

Challenges & Solutions:

  • With a physics based game comes it's challenges whether that's ragdolls or other elements. With this being my first physics based game, I had many including the ragdoll rotating correctly, and the level colliding with the ragdoll correctly as to be able to fling him in a physics based way. I don't fully remember but I believe this was solved through setting the position every physics update and rotating using MoveRotation.
  • At first the ragdoll was too hard to get to land perfectly in the bed so I added a pull system that will pull the ragdoll towards the bed once he gets close enough to make it easier to successfully maneuver it.
  • Designed and tested over 20 levels with new objects and obstacles introduced throughout.

What I'd do differently:

  • If I were to recreate the project I'd start off with dependency injection in mind. This project really didn't have too much complex programming, but to make the managers easier to manage in general I would use Zinject for dependency injection and then also use UniTask for my Analytics so that remote values could be loaded in asynchronously while the game is running.
  • For the parts callback to the main script for being hit or overlapped I'd also redo that so that each part has its own health as well as the ragdoll having a base health. This would be used so that I could dynamically destroy parts of the body based on part health rather than just one hit killing the whole ragdoll for more engaging gameplay.

Key Takeaways:

  • This project taught me more about physics based gameplay and iteration. I started this game with the character being a ball with inspiration from Rotate and Roll. From that it was decided that a ball just wasnt enough fun, so I decided to go with a Ragdoll character and some sort of theme for the game. This was a lot of fun and is one of my favorite projects through the iterations, the level designs, and all the lessons learned. I believe this game got a 25% day one retention which was pretty good as well!

    As of now this project is available on google play, please let me know if that changes by emailing me at LumariGamesDev@gmail.com

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