A downloadable game

My eighth game I was the Sole Developer of, and the fifth game I helped develop at Unstoppable Games with Saeed as the Game Designer. While this project presented a theme that I wasn't thrilled to work with, it was an important learning experience. The publisher's request to base the game around a specific mechanic, like the kissing minigame, was a unique challenge. This project pushed me out of my comfort zone, but I remained committed to getting it done. In this game you play as a guy who gets dressed in clothes while avoiding ketchup bottles in an attempt to get to the end and win the girl over.

Game Mechanics:

  • This game featured a dynamic clothing system that allows for clothes to be put on in layers rather than just replacing what's currently worn.
  • Implemented different states for the character, he starts in a drunken state, and gets more of a confident run as he gains more clothes; Speed is affected by which state he is in.
  • Created a progress bar for clothing, it goes up or down depending on how close you are to what it determines to be "fully dressed."

Challenges & Solutions:

  • We were tasked with putting particle simulations from blender into unity. I was able to quickly research this and export the simulation from blender as alembic, use an importer for unity, and set it up for a nice dynamic particle simulation.
  • When tasked with creating the clothing layering at first, I wasn't sure what to do, after some thinking and experiments I came up with the idea of storing which "layer" a clothing item is, and from that make sure the highest layer is removed first, and lowest layer is added first.

What I'd do differently:

  • Programming wise this project wasn't too bad, if I were to change something it'd probably be moving the possible clothing pieces to Scriptable Objects along with their ids, that would then be accessed when colliding with a clothing piece that has an id assigned to it.
  • Another thing I'd like to do would be to add more particle effects and game feel, this game had almost zero particle effects or screen shakes or slow motion or anything like that. I believe this could significantly increase the feel of the game.
  • I'd also of course add dependency injection for the managers, especially moving the canvases to Project Context and under their own single instances for easier manageability and testing.

Key Takeaways:

  • While I didn't enjoy working on this game, I am still committed to doing my job, and with that this game reached over 100,000 organic downloads. This project equipped me with new learnings like how to make a clothing layering system, and how to import particle simulations into unity which I didn't even know was possible.

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